We are a 501(c)3 organization #94-3302004 Your donation is tax deductible. We also accept donations of stocks and airplanes; remember to check with your employer about matching fund programs that are available-make your donation double!

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Voice of the Children has been involved in bringing relief work and long term change in Cuba, Russia, Armenia, Mexico, Louisiana, Honduras, Kenya, India, and San Benito County, CA. We work with street children, families, pastors, couples, churches and individuals.

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There is no division between "our ministry" and "our life". For our family, this is our life.

Mission Statement

Reaching the forgotten internationally with Christ's love and hope for a real future.
We are a mobile serving family responding to God's lead wherever it takes us.

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Aiding Ukrainian refugees

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Voice of the Children has been involved in bringing relief work and long term change in Cuba, Russia, Armenia, Mexico, Louisiana, Honduras, Kenya, India, and San Benito County, CA. We work with street children, families, pastors, couples, churches and individuals.

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